Sunday, September 25, 2016

Oceanside Tiki Swim 2.4 mile open water swim

Met with a classmate from USNA of my sister, Gretchen (she connected us in Facebook). 

It was really nice to get with triathletes, and particularly this group as they all are very accomplished and pretty much in the thick of things triathlon related in San Diego. So happy for the connection.

I put my garmin inside my wetsuit so I didn't get to track ANY of my swim.  It was a horrible horrible horrible time! It took me forever and I am mentally spazing over my time.  So, I really wished I had the gps signal and tracking because I'd like to confirm what the cause was, getting off course? The current? The entry of waves? The swells? Couldn't possibly be that I'm haven't been swimming regularly!  But even then I can manage better time.  I was third!  Third to the last in my age group. 


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