Thursday, September 22, 2016

It's true! running improves your mood, enhances creativity and facilitates improved problem solving!

Today, I invented a "DO-IT-YOURSELF" body fat monitor!  
and, its practically free
okay, 100% free

go for a quick run
lay down to cool off on your front porch to cool off
get up when recovered
take a gander at the impression you left

if you like what you see, probably pretty decent body fat percentage
if you see some extra rolls in places that would be better without, body fat is
probably high.  
adjust exercise and diet accordingly

Your welcome!

 second invention of the am
recovery drink and morning coffee

1) empty yesterdays coffee into a glass
2) add a scoop of powder (i used a recovery drink mix)
3) enjoy

work smart not hard
save steps!

your double welcome

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