Saturday, July 30, 2016

well....i feel very neglectful....i was beat when i got to savannah....

....i think i slept about 10-11 hours every night.  i barely remembered i was married, much less called phil until i was going to sleep.  poor thing really was on his own.

week went very well for him.  dont think he had any hot food, but did really well.

he was able to touch base with all his providers for a jammed back action filled one day at the hospital.

a few crossed wires along the way between GI specialist and general surgeon.  basically, the surgeon had phil on the schedule for a bowel resection for this past friday.  dr wasnt aware of the radiation therapy, so nixed the idea.  typical surgeon---ask a surgeon the best treatment plan and its going to be surgery.

so, week 2 out of 3 radiation completed.  of course things could always be worse.  but he is doing well!  lots of fatigue, been sleeping since i came home, has the energy of a table.  eating very well.  no nausea and some from the other end, but very very manageable.  h/h is stable, but the oncologist tried 2 infusions of ferritin to see if he picked up any energy.  no.

lets see...... i think that's about it.  everyone wants to wait til the braf and mek is onboard a bit before a pet/ct scan to check out the results.  and the surgeon recommended holding off for a follow scope, because the bowel tissue is fragile after radiation and increases the risk for perforations.  which is all fine and dandy, just usually really just nice to know how things are working, but not necessary.

i had a wonderful week.  lots of time with my family, excluding gretchen, but she surprised me in washington dulles and flew back with me!

things we did
SCAD museum with my mom
lunch out with my sister and michaels girfriend, lori
dock day with kayaking, standup paddleboarding and boating with tubing.
open water swim 1200 yards with my brothers and escorted by my mom on stand up paddleboard
good pool swim with my dad
lots of drawing in my moms new art studio
good food, iris made gazpacho for me!  becky with her famous mac salad/chicken/baked beans, another night of mexican food and margaritas
beach day with marlin & cindy and their now self sufficient kick ball team
lots of evenings on the front porch with evening drinks, bird watching

gosh!  super nice visit!!!!

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